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The true warrior understands and seizes that moment by giving an effort so intense and so intuitive that it could only be called one from the heart. A champion needs a motivation above and beyond winning. 
– Pat Riley

Who We Are

Grind City Dev Co. was founded by Zach Smith with a simple mission + one objective:

  • Eliminate Entrepreneurs' Needless Economic Suffering.

  • Coach Entrepreneurs & Leaders to Develop Communities Through The Power of Sport By Leveraging Value Exchange To Contribute Timeless Connectivity Amongst Your Audience – Regardless of Your Arena. 


GCDC has evolved into a full-service business accelerator that blends branding, marketing and vision work with strategic business planning and leadership development to help good people do more of the work that actually matters.


Entrepreneurs of early & growth stage start-ups, you have our attention. Email, tell us why we should invest in your concept, and (if selected) we'll begin game planning how to co-create and implement your Timeless Connectivity.

Our Focus iS Our Future

As your cue to focus on the Champion brand habits needed to implement Timeless Connectivity and realize your vision, we send you weekly wisdom imparted from the best to ever do it.

This is a beta site created by Grind City Dev Co. We will not – nor ever claim to be graphic designers or a design shop. 
© Grind City Development, LLC 
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